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With a modern fleet and decades of accumulated experience whilst always respecting the principles of sustainable exploitation of the seas, we have provided consumers a first-class product that is safe, nutritionally complete and considered the best in the world - the Portuguese fresh fish!

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Aquaculture Offshore

Benefitting from the potential and wealth of nutrients present in the Portuguese sea, and by respecting the principles of sustainable exploitation, we produce offshore, in class A waters, shellfish with an organic production certification - a natural selection product that is safe and nutritionally unmatched!

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About Us Useful links Área reservada: área reservada
Headquarters and administration Delegation Algarve
t. +351 234 390 850
f. +351 234 390 855
t. +351 282 492 343
f. +351 282 492 345


» Docapesca

» Fileira do Pescado

» Comissão Europeia - Assuntos Marítimos

» FAO - Code of Conduct Responsible Fisheries

» IPMA - The Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute

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