| | New review shows bottom trawling is sustainable (when well-managed) | Seafood produced by bottom trawling can have a lower environmental impact than chicken or pork, according to a new review paper published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science... | 16-10-2023 |
| |  | | Global Study Sheds Light on the Valuable Benefits of Shellfish and Seaweed Aquaculture | Is it possible to eat our way to cleaner water and more fish? A new global study shows that shellfish and seaweed aquaculture provide valuable benefits to people and ocean ecosystems.... | 07-08-2023 |
| |  | | Farmed Mussels: A Nutritive Protein Source, Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, with a Low Environmental Footprint | ... | 10-07-2023 |
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